
Five Reasons Why Your Website isn’t Generating Leads

01 Jun 2020 By matt.england


You might find yourself in a position where your website isn’t getting the results you were hoping for. You’ve put it out there but nothing is moving in the direction to generate leads. You might be getting traffic to your site through social media and other channels but users aren’t taking the bait. 

There are many reasons why this could happen and as a digital marketing company Lincolnshire, we can tell you why. 

You Don’t Have Calls to Action

You’re getting people to your website but they aren’t going to the next step whereby they make a purchase. This is more than likely down to the fact that they don’t know where to go. You need to make sure that the next step is loud and clear to them through the use of a strong Call to Action. Tell them that they need to “Subscribe Now” or “Click Here to Order”. Make it as simple as possible for them to make the next move.

Your Website isn’t Intuitive

Smart and simple is the way forward because that will get visitors to convert. Visitors don’t want to have to trawl through masses of information or work out where they need to go next. As a result, ensure that the design is clean and sleek and ensure that it flows logically to the point where they can find that all-important Call to Action.

Navigating the Site is a Challenge

Navigation is crucial because users might want to take a look around before making a purchase. They might have landed on your landing page but now they want to see who you are, what you offer and the other products or services you provide. Therefore, the navigation needs to be simple, giving visitors the chance to move around with ease. Keep the navigation clear, make it user-friendly and you will soon begin generating more leads.

Also Read: Why It’s Important To Keep Your Website Up To Date

Content Doesn’t Engage

You have no more than a few seconds to grab the attention of your visitors. You need to make an instant impression on them by providing them with content that resonates with them. They want to find what they came for with ease and they don’t want to have to trawl through masses of information to find out what your service entails or how your product can provide them with a solution. Content is crucial and it needs to engage.

You Haven’t Made it Mobile Friendly

Research suggests that there are now more users using the mobile device to browse websites than desktops. With users browsing on the move, you need your site to become mobile-friendly. It has to be responsive and give them the same immersive experience that they would expect and get if they viewed your website on a desktop. If your website behaves in the same way, then you will generate more leads. 

If you are looking to generate leads then we are a leading digital marketing agency Lincolnshire that can help you. Get in touch with us or request a quote today.

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